Mischa Dohler

Mischa Dohler

Mischa Dohler is now Chief Architect in Ericsson Inc. in Silicon Valley, US.

He was Professor in Wireless Communications at King’s College London, driving cross-disciplinary research and innovation in technology, sciences and arts. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); and a Distinguished Member of Harvard Square Leaders Excellence. He is a serial entrepreneur with 5 companies; composer & pianist with 5 albums on Spotify/iTunes; and fluent in several languages. He sits on the Spectrum Advisory Board of Ofcom, and acts as policy advisor on issues related to digital, skills and education. He has had ample coverage by national and international press and media. He is featured on Amazon Prime.

Diego Perino

Diego Perino

Diego Perino works at the boundaries of research and innovation, to advance state of the art in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) areas, and ensure the successful exploitation of research outputs via technology transfer and industrial impact. He is currently the Director of Telefonica Research (Barcelona, Spain) and leads a team of researchers in Machine Learning/Deep Learning, HCI, Security/Privacy and Networks/Systems. The aim of the team is to carry research studies on several technological areas of interest to the Telefónica Group and generate impact through technology transfers. Main research and innovation projects of the team at Telefonica include AI applied to networks at large (e.g., fixed, mobile, IoT, platforms), network and system design and measurements, privacy preserving and secure AI, web privacy, SDN/NFV/edge, AI for cognitive applications. From September 2009 to June 2016 Perino worked at Bell Labs (Paris, France) and in 2016 six months at NICTA (Sydney, Australia). During these years he worked on NFV/SDN, wearable networking, Content-Centric Networking, Content Delivery Networks, and Distributed Systems. Perino received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Paris Diderot-Paris 7 university in 2009. His Ph.D. Thesis was a collaboration between Orange Labs and INRIA through a CIFRE contract, and focused on algorithms for peer-to-peer multimedia streaming. He received his M.S. in Networking engineering at Politecnico di Torino and Eurecom Institute of Sophia Antipolis in 2006. And also obtained a Research Master in Networking and distributed systems at Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Eric Hardouin

Eric Hardouin

Eric Hardouin leads the “Ambient Connectivity” research domain of Orange, which investigates future access and transport networks and technologies, as well as related business models. Eric received his Ph.D. degree in signal processing and telecommunications from Telecom Bretagne and the University of Rennes 1, France, in 2004. Since 2004, he has been with Orange, where he has conducted research on interference mitigation for mobile networks. Between 2008 and 2013 he represented Orange in the physical layer standardization group of 3GPP (RAN WG1) for HSPA, LTE and LTE-Advanced. From 2012 to 2015, Eric led the research on wireless networks in Orange. Eric had a leading role in the NGMN 5G White Paper, as co-lead of the work on 5G requirements. Eric is the author of the book “LTE et les réseaux 4G” (in French).

Gustav Wikström

Gustav Wikström

Gustav Wikström is a Research Leader with Ericsson Research focusing on 6G vision and system, and future technologies and use cases. He joined Ericsson in Stockholm 2011 after post-doc studies at Geneva U., and has worked with standardization, concept development, and performance evaluations for WLAN, 4G, and 5G. He holds a M.Sc in engineering from Lund U. and a Ph.D in Physics from Stockholm U. He is active in several international projects working with 6G development, such as 6G-IA, NGMN, and Hexa-X.

Mauro R. Boldi

Mauro R. Boldi

Mauro Boldi graduated with full marks at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1998 and in the same year he joined CSELT, the research center of Telecom Italia. He is currently the responsible of the European Projects for B5G/6G in TIM. He is author of several patents and papers and the editor of the book “5G System Design” published by Wiley in 2018. Mauro has been the coordinator of the project 5G EVE, implementing the European platform to test the 5G innovative solutions, and the leader of dissemination and standardization in the Hexa-X project, the “flagship” project towards 6G.

Dr. Colin Willcock

Dr. Colin Willcock

Colin is currently the chairman of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) governing board (formally known as 5G Infrastructure Association). He is also the chairman of the Smart Networks and Services Joint undertaking (SNS-JU) governing board. He has detailed knowledge and experience of the telecommunications industry having worked directly or indirectly with many of the major players over a 28-year period. The roles have included software developer, technical consultant, technical marketing, standardization and management. In addition to line manager roles, he has participated extensively in standardization activities at ETSI, ITU-T and 3GPP, including instrumental work in creating and developing the TTCN-3 testing language. Colin has also been very active in the European research ecosystem, including leading a number of award winning European projects such as TT-Medal, D-MINT and SEMAFOUR. Colin is currently head of Research Alliances at Nokia.