David Lister

David Lister

David Lister leads research on future disruptive technologies within Vodafone Group. He has 30 years’ experience that spans the introduction of 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies and has held technical and commercial roles related to spectrum regulation, standards development, and new product introduction. He is currently responsible for all aspects of 6G research in Vodafone Group and is the co-lead of the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) strategic programme on 6G that has recently published its 6G Vision representing a consolidated and global mobile operator view. David holds degrees in electrical engineering, renewable energy, and is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the IET.

Jose Antonio Aranda

Jose Antonio Aranda

José Antonio is a technology evangelist who believes Innovation is the tool to boost the development of the digital society. As the Global Innovation at Cellnex, he’s contributing with his wealth of experience to creating new solutions for the different industry segments. His decade at GSMA, Global Mobile Trade Association with roles like Technology Director has let him share expertise with the main ecosystem players from Europe and Latin-America. This knowledge has enabled him to face, all the innovative initiatives developed by Cellnex with a broader perspective.

Oriol Sallent Roig

Oriol Sallent Roig

Oriol Sallent is co-author of 14 books and has published 280+ papers in high-impact IEEE journals and renowed international conferences. His main research interests are 5G/6G RAN (Radio Access Network) planning and artificial intelligence-based radio resource management. He has participated in 40+ European and national projects, with diverse responsibilities as Principal Investigator, Coordinator and Workpackage Leader. He regularly serves as a consultant for private companies and has contributed to standardisation bodies such as 3GPP, IEEE and ETSI.

Ari Pouttu

Ari Pouttu

Prof. Ari Pouttu has scientific and engineering experience as a researcher, project manager and research manager in various domains of ICT development. The projects under his command have resulted in waveforms and system designs for military radio communication, radar systems, embedded device networks, future wireless radio communications including cellular systems, cognitive networks and navigation applications.
He has published more than 70 conference or journal papers in the field of wireless communications and he holds two patents. He is the principal investigator of 5G test network (5GTN) experimental research, and vice-director of the national 6G Flagship Programme targeting 6G solutions including wireless solutions for business verticals such as energy, industry, health and automotive including solutions.

Dimitra Simeonidou

Dimitra Simeonidou

Dimitra Simeonidou is a Full Professor at the University of Bristol, the Co-Director of the Bristol Digital Futures Institute and the Director of Smart Internet Lab. Her research is focusing on the fields of high-performance networks, programmable networks, wireless-optical convergence, 5G/6G and smart city infrastructures. She is increasingly working with Social Sciences on topics of digital transformation for society and businesses. Dimitra has been the Technical Architect and the CTO of the smart city project Bristol Is Open. She is currently leading the Bristol City/Region 5G and Open RAN pilots.

She is the author and co-author of over 600 publications, numerous patents and several major contributions to standards.

She has been co-founder of two spin-out companies, the latest being the University of Bristol VC funded spin-out Zeetta Networks, http://www.zeetta.com, delivering SDN solutions for enterprise and emergency networks.

Dimitra is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Fellow of the IEEE (FIEEE) and a Royal Society Wolfson Scholar

Xavier Costa, PhD

Xavier Costa, PhD

Xavier Costa-Pérez is ICREA Research Professor, Scientific Director at the i2CAT Research Center and Head of 6G Networks R&D at NEC Laboratories Europe. His research focuses on the digital transformation of society driven by the interplay of mobile networks and AI. His team generates research results which are regularly published at top scientific venues, produces innovations which have received several awards for successful technology transfers, participates in major European Commission R&D collaborative projects and contributes to standardization bodies such as 3GPP, O-RAN, ETSI NFV/MEC/RIS and IETF. As a standards delegate, he contributed to multiple standardization bodies (e.g. IEEE 802.11, 802.16, WiFi Alliance, 3GPP, …) and was recognized in several standards as a top contributor. He has served on the Organizing Committees of several conferences (including IEEE Greencom, WCNC, and INFOCOM), published papers of high impact and holds tenths of granted patents. Currently, he is serving as Associate Editor at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) and Elsevier Computer Communications journals (COMCOM). Xavier received both his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona and was the recipient of a national award for his Ph.D. thesis.

Maxime Flament

Maxime Flament

Dr. Flament represents 5GAA, the global cross-industry association for the development of connected and automated cars, where he works as Chief Technology Officer since 2018. Maxime has a 20 years of experience in connected & automated vehicles, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and Intelligent Transport Systems. Maxime holds a PhD and MSc in Mobile Communication Systems from Chalmers Technical University, Sweden. He was visiting researcher at Stanford University, CA, USA.

Dr. Frank Hofmann

Dr. Frank Hofmann

Frank Hofmann is chief expert at Corporate Research at Robert Bosch GmbH in Hildesheim, Germany. In addition, he leads a research group specialized on different communication and localization topics. Beside, he is active in several consortia, e.g. 5G Automotive Association, Car2Car Communication Consortium and lead the consortium of the public funded project 5G NetMobil. He holds a Diploma in electrical engineering of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and received his Ph.D. from the University of Hanover.

M. Carmen Fernández

M. Carmen Fernández

M. Carmen Fernández is Innovation and New Business Manager at MEDIAPRO Group. Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications and Master’s degree in Mobile Communications from the UPC, MBA from ESADE, Promociona Program for Women in Senior Management (ESADE) and selected among the top-30 European women trained in the EWOB (European Women on Boards) program in 2019.

Shuaib Siddiqui, PhD

Shuaib Siddiqui, PhD

Dr. Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui is a senior researcher at i2CAT Foundation where he is also the Area Manager for Software Networks research lab and Research Manager of Cyber security lab. His current research topics include network automation, SDN/NFV based control, management, & orchestration platforms for 5G, network slicing, NFV/SDN security and 5G security. Currently, he is also coordinating the H2020 5GZORRO (5G PPP Phase 3 project). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UPC (Spain), M.Sc. in Communication Systems (2007) from EPFL, Switzerland, and B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (2004) from KFUPM, Saudi Arabia. One of his publications, based on his PhD thesis, received the IEEE Internet Technical Committee (ITC) paper of the year award for 2015.