Liliana Arroyo Moliner

Director General of Digital Society Government of Catalonia
Born in Barcelona (Barcelonès) in 1985.
She holds a degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona and is a specialist in Digital Social Innovation.
She has been Head of Innovation in the Digital Technology Societies division at the i2cat Foundation and a researcher at the Institute for Social Innovation, Esade. Her background is in research, teaching and popularisation. She has been a member of research teams in projects in various areas of Sociology and led the chapter on children in the Government of Catalonia’s Charter for Digital Rights and Responsibilities. She has also been a member of several advisory boards in cultural and third sector organisations and has a decade of experience as an independent consultant.
She has contributed to media outlets including Ara, El Periódico and El País and to programmes on RAC1 and TV3. She has also brought out the essay Tu no ets la teva selfie. 9 secrets digitals que tothom viu i ningú explica (You are not your selfie. Nine digital secrets that everyone knows and no one explains) and recently the book Benvingut metavers? (Welcome metaverse?) on the value of presence in the digital era.